Why Search Engine Optimization?

What is SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website to appear in the search results of an engine like Google or Yahoo! When users type in specific keywords. Unlike pay per click or other forms of paid search marketing, it does not offer instant gratification. Every SEO campaign will necessitate some change to the website being optimized, this costs, both time and money with few guarantees of exactly how much additional revenue the project will drive. It’s also impossible to say with any level of certainty exactly how long an organic search campaign will take to bear fruit. So why choose search engine optimization over other marketing options?

1. Search Engine Optimization Is Longer Lasting

When you opt for search engine optimization, you do so securely in the knowledge that the results you achieve will typically be long lasting. Unlike pay per click which leaves no legacy of your internet presence when the budget has run out, a well-executed search engine optimization strategy will provide durable results. These results may be in the form of strong rankings, increased visibility through link building, or a well-constructed site with interesting, relevant content.

2. Increased Conversions

A number of studies have shown that organic clicks convert as well if not better than clicks accrued from other forms of online marketing. That means pound for pound, your search engine optimization campaign will deliver more targeted leads, more of the time.

3. Search Engine Optimization Matches Search Attitudes

A survey in 2020 found that a massive 91% of search engine users prefer using organic rankings to paid search listings. To tap into that strong user sentiment, you must invest in a search engine optimization campaign. Tapping into this positive search attitude means you’ve already gone some way to winning over the trust of the target market.

4. SEO Optimizes Sales Cycles

As with traditional purchases, most internet buyers shop around before deciding exactly what they want to purchase and from which supplier. Even if they log on with a firm idea of just what they want to buy, shopping around is second nature for bargain hunters. SEO means you don’t pay for multiple clicks on your paid search campaign and can position yourself in numerous locales (via link building), helping to reinforce your USPs at the point of buyer research.

Getting to Know the World of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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