6 Steps to use Twitter for Promoting your Successful Business

Do you know that you can use Twitter for a variety of purposes instead of just informing your friends how you spent your weekend or your views regarding the latest blockbuster movie? Many people have started using Twitter for business marketing as well. This is because Twitter allows you to promote your successful business and create relationships with your customers.

If done correctly, you can get effective results through Twitter marketing. You should use Twitter to get in touch with a group of people who have an interest in your business; more precisely, look for people who’re interested in the products and services that you are trying to promote. Follow these steps to use Twitter for business marketing.

1. Create a professional profile – At first, create a complete profile and include your website URL in it. It should be a professional profile and you can use your business name as your Twitter name. If you belong to a large corporation, then you can use your actual name on the Twitter profile along with your photo. Remember that people usually relate to people rather than business logos.

2. Build a followers base – After creating a profile, you should try to build a followers base by putting a link to “Follow Me on Twitter” on your website, forums, signature, etc. Invite people to follow you on Twitter every time you post a blog on it. You can use Twitter directories to find members who can follow you.

3. Provide information about your business – Use Twitter to attract consumers to your business. To do so, you should offer a good source of information about your products and services. For example, if you are into the food business, then you may tweet links to blogs that discuss the importance of consuming fresh food. Along with Twitter, Get free business cards online, these will not only make the first great impression for you and your business, but they are free of cost and a very useful marketing tool.

4. Seek a balance between followers/following ratio – Your followers will stop following you if you don’t follow them. Therefore, try to seek a balance between your followers/following ratio. One of the best ways to do so is to add friends gradually instead of adding 100-200 people at one go.

5. Offer unique deals to your Twitter followers – One of the best ways to use Twitter for business marketing is to offer special discounts to your Twitter followers as a part of a business marketing campaign. Use a brief message describing the offer.

6. Encourage feedbacks from Twitter followers – You should encourage your followers to comment on the issues that are important to your company. Don’t worry if you get some negative comments as every one may not give positive feedback on a particular item. Do not forget to thank people for positive feedbacks.

While using Twitter for business marketing, make sure you don’t pressurize your followers (who sign up to receive your Tweet updates) to purchase your business products and services. It is also advisable not to send personalized messages to your potential clients. You should create different Twitter accounts for business and personal use.

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