You have heard of many marketers all around the world making a great living from the Internet. I was conducting my seminar just yesterday and I met an underground marketer who made well over a million dollars just from doing Adsense. Before I go into the details of how you can start making money online I would like to share with you some real facts and things you will need before you begin.
Well first off, you must dedicate time to it! Through a mini-survey I did recently, I realized many people do have a lack of time and do not wish to spend too much time in the online business to make money. The thing is, if you are serious about making money online, you got to prepare yourself to have tons of sleepless nights & spend time on it. I remember when I first started, I work on my blogging business for at least 5 to 8 hours per day. It was tough at first because as like everyone I was a newbie once just like you, and it takes time to learn the tricks of the trade.

Other than time, what else do you need to make money online? Well, you will also need to learn to be focused and be consistent in your marketing! Many people fail and gave up simply because they are not consistent in their workflow and planning.
And one last thing you will need before you can be successful in making money online, YOU MUST learn some IT technical skills. Many Gurus always claim you do not need IT Skills to do Internet Marketing. It’s not the truth! You must know at least a few basic knowledge like how to create hyperlinks and setting up a website.
Here is a real Quick Start Guide to Make Money Online
Start First By Doing A Keyword Research
Before you start jumping into doing your online business, the first thing you need to do first is to create a set of keywords to research on. You can use this free tool to do your keyword research. You need to generate a list of about 1,000+ keywords with demand and competition to determine what niche you would like to do first.
Once you have found out what niche you like to do, you will need to
Start Creating A Blog And Write Quality Content
Using the keywords you have gathered, you would now know what type of content you can start writing about. If you have no idea what to write, you can always go to EzineArticles and look for ideas on topics to write. However, you are not allowed to just simply copy the content as it’s all copyrighted. You will be required to do some ghostwriting by simply replacing every word written by the writer.
Drive Massive Traffic To Your Blog
Once your content is upon your blog, what you need to do next is to drive traffic. But not just drive only 100 hits but always aim to drive by the thousands. If you need help driving traffic you can get more information from my guide here.
Start Monetizing Your Blog Now!
While you are busy driving traffic to your blog, you would also want to start monetizing your blog site. The best way to do this is to start selling digital products that you can get and sell them for free and earn a commission from Clickbank.
So that’s basically in a nutshell a quick start guide to make money online. Once you start your journey into this business, you would also want to consider calculating your commission matrix. If you have any further comments feel free to comment below.