How to Monetize a Blog

How to Monetize a Blog

Monetize blog might sound like a strange name for a blog post but I’m trying to target that keyword phrase in this post so we’re going to have to make the most of a bad situation. I make no claims to be an expert in the art of making money from a blog but I am learning quite a bit as I go along so if you are a newbie to the world of Internet Marketing we might find something useful that you can apply to your own earn money online ventures.

So if you are looking to monetize blogs what are your options? I’ve only got experience with a couple of methods of making money with blogs so that’s what I’m going to talk about here and, to be honest, it’s all you need to get started. The thing is that you can choose to monetize your blog in a huge variety of ways but you’ll figure this stuff out for yourself as you go along and different needs crop up.

Deciding how to make money from your blog with regards to what monetization method to use pails into insignificance when compared to the important stuff such as choosing profitable keywords, search engine optimization through intelligent link building, and ultimately getting the traffic which you can convert into cash. Get these things right then you can start having fun trying to work out which is the most profitable way to generate money.

Right off the bat most people who are trying to make money online from blogs or websites add Adsense to pages and hope that visitors will see something on one of the Adsense ads that catch their eye. If the visitor clicks on an ad Google will ship some money to your account. There are plenty of other similar advertising programs out there, if you are interested enough you can do your research but Adsense is the daddy and the best place to start.

Google Adsense has the advantages of being extremely easy to use and can be implemented successfully with a huge number of niches due to the number of advertisers who pay to have their ads displayed in the system.

Negatives of Adsense are that the Ads in some niches will pay you very little per click so to make a lot of money you’ll have to get many visitors to your pages and get a good click-through rate.

Affiliate Programs

Another way to monetize a blog is to become an affiliate for one of the vast array of companies with products and services to sellers who offer such possibilities. When you are doing affiliate marketing you are a partner of the retailer and work to promote their goods and services, you’re rewarded whenever you send a visitor to a site who goes on to make a purchase.

The affiliate system differs from Adsense since your visitor has to buy something when they click on someone else’s site. You get paid less often than with Adsense but have the potential to make more money as affiliate programs pay a percentage of the value of the sale. Work in a niche that concentrates on expensive products or services and you could make a living from a small amount of traffic in comparison to regular advertising programs.

Where To Find An Affiliate Program

Whenever I’m on the lookout for a company to partner up with for a particular niche I’ll simply go to Google and search for “My niche + affiliate” or “A particular product + affiliate” to see what comes up. You’ll usually find something that suits your site that you can push to your visitors. Of course, there is always the opportunity to become an Amazon or eBay affiliate. I’ve had some success with Amazon recently although many people moan about the small percentage you get from sales for some niches it works well. I haven’t tried eBay affiliates yet but plan to sign up for an account soon and give it a shot. I’ve heard good things about the eBay Partner Network so I’ll report back when I get some experience. is another popular place to find products to sell to the “guests” on your niche blog or website. With a high percentage of payouts per sale, you can make some great money using these products although some of them won’t sell well and many are of dubious quality. Still, money is money in the battle to monetize a blog.

How to Monetize a Blog

If you were reading this post hoping to find the definitive guide to how to Make Money Online from blogging with various methods of monetization you may be disappointed I haven’t covered all the possibilities. But the reality is there are more important things you need to do to earn cash online than monetize blogs with the perfect advertising program or an affiliate product. Work on the big stuff to get more traffic to your blog then you can worry about searching for the best way to make money from that traffic.

The truth is that this post was a bit of an experiment on my part to try and get a post to rank in the search engine results pages for the term “monetize blog”. I’ve tried to impart a little knowledge for anyone new to earning money online along the way so I hope you have found something useful. And if you found this post by typing the phrase “monetize your blog” or something similar into Google or some other search engine leave a comment and let me know so we can see if the experiment worked.

By the way, I have installed the KeywordLuv and Dofollow plugin on this blog so if you leave a contextual comment you’ll get a free “do follow” link back to your blog to help with your search engine optimization efforts. You can’t say any fairer than that!


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