Money Saving Pay Per Click Tips

Tips for Improving Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

If you’re feeling the pinch and considering cutting back on your pay per click budget, it is possible to shave inches off your current wasted spend and make your existing budget a trimmer, leaner prospect ahead of predicted gains in online shopping spend.

1. Content Network

Contextual advertising is a powerful tool, but should be afforded its campaign and assigned CPC bids to make the most of search network placement. Google AdWords pay per click accounts have content advertising set to default in the initial account creation process so go back and untick the box to claw back some wasted budget. Content ads have their targeting tools and bids are more flexible, giving higher costs and poor conversion rates when search ads are shown as standard.

What is Google AdWords?

2. Too Many Keywords

If you’ve fallen into the trap of including as many key terms as possible within your ad group, it should come as no surprise that you’re spending lots of your budget on a pay per click adverts with few concrete conversions.

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Being ruthless and deleting or moving irrelevant terms into their ad group will result in a more targeted campaign. Web browsers searching for your product or service will try to reach a supplier in the most direct way possible. That means no long-winded or vague search terms. Removing keywords that fall into that category will ensure your PPC cash is used up by surfers who are interested in the product you have to sell.

How to Choose the Right Keywords for SEO

3. Landing Page

Even if you have trimmed your keywords down, the right person landing on the wrong page can also prove costly. New advertisers and those running a non-optimized pay per click campaign fall into the trap of sending all adverts through to the home page. If your site is complicated, is difficult to navigate, offers too many options, or has sub-pages that must be navigated through to find specific products, the person clicking on your advert will lose patience and take their e-business elsewhere. The key to converting on the initial interest shown by the person clicking on your advert is to send them through to the most relevant page for that product. If you sell electrical appliances and are advertising flat-screen TVs, point that advert to the page containing info and purchase options for flat-screen TVs.

The easiest way to let pay per click spend run away with you and fail to deliver the expected results is to leave it to run by itself. There are always improvements you can make and small savings to be made.

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